Cockatiel Cage

Cockatiel Bird Cages

Cockatiel cage

A Cockatiel are members of the cockatoo family most in the UK are kept in a Cockatiel Cage and are known for their pleasant and gregarious personalities, as well as their whistling, which is more common in male cockatiels. All of these features combine to make these birds a popular pet in the United Kingdom and United States. The feathers on top of the bird’s head reveal its disposition.

Cockatiels are little grey, white, and yellow birds with a more subdued colouring in the female. They have a 20-year life expectancy. In the scientific world, the bird is known as Nymphicus hollandicus. “Hollandicus” is derived from the Latin phrase “New Holland,” which was formerly used to refer to Australia. Despite the fact that there is only one species of this bird, it can come in a vast range of colour variations. The cockatoo and the cockatiel belong to the same family. Furthermore, there are 8 separate cockatoo genera, each of which may be further classified into 21 different species.


Cockatiel Cage Habitats

The cockatiel is an Australian bird that is native to most of the continent, especially the inland regions with freshwater lakes and rivers. This species prefers grassland, shrub land, savannas, and other open areas; areas with acacia shrubs are especially appealing. They are very abundant in cities, where they may be seen roosting in large groups on top of power wires.


Because of their beak, these birds can ingest a broad range of food, although the majority of their diet consists of seeds, mainly acacia plant seeds. Their preferred seeds are acacia. They spend the most of the day foraging for food on the ground in small groups, pairs, or big flocks. They will even pluck the seeds that are still on the plants if necessary.

They’ll acquire their moisture from the nearby bodies of freshwater. Quarrions may go for long periods of time without drinking water since they only swallow a few sips at a time. This is because predators are more likely to attack them while they are drinking. Other things are consumed by the birds in addition to fruit, berries, and insects. They generate a lot of noise in the air, yet they are completely silent on the ground.

Cockatiel Cage Appearance

The Weiro bird is a tiny bird with a long tail and a crest, and males have grey plumage with white patches on the wings and black cheeks ringed in white in its native habitat. Females are mostly grey, with less pronounced cheddar cheeks and no white border. While searching for grains on the ground, the birds’ colours help them blend in. The cheek patches have a purpose other than aesthetics. The feathers positioned there screen the bird’s eyes and prevent turbulence when it flies.

Surprising facts

Cockatiels come in around 22 distinct colour varieties over the world.

Cockatiels sitting in a cage


When raised in captivity, a cockatiel’s lifetime can range from 16 to 25 years.

Cockatiels may attain speeds of up to 64 kilometres per hour in the wild, traversing around 48 kilometres in a single day.

Cockatiels achieve full adult size at around 12 to 13 inches in length (30.48 to 76 centimeters).

A cockatiel weighs between 2 and 4 ounces (56 to 113 grams).

The albino cockatiel is a hybrid formed by crossing lutinos with white-faced cockatiels.

The mating season for cockatiels is in the spring.

Cockatiel nestlings are known as hatchlings.

The cinnamon cockatiel’s colouring might be characterised as light brownish.

Cockatiels have several different vocalisations.

Cockatiels are capable of communicating vocally.



Whelping procedure

Cockatiels are simple to breed, but it is vital to do so responsibly and to guarantee that the cockatiels you create find homes. Before you begin, make sure that the male and female cockatiels are ready to breed and that the birds have all they need to care for their young.

To guarantee the health of breeding cockatiels and their progeny, a male and female pair should be unrelated, free of disease and birth defects, and between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. To ensure the health of your cockatiels, take them to the vet before breeding.

Nesting Requirements: A breeding cockatiel cage should be at least 20 x 20 x 50 inches in size, with a nest box  or bird cage of at least 12 x 12 inches. Nesting materials like as shredded paper, paper towels, and moulted feathers should be provided.

Nutritional needs: Cockatiels are hook billed that require a varied diet of high-quality pellets, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and little amounts of seeds. Breeding pairs should be provided a calcium supplement to enhance optimal egg development and to help the hen recover nutrients lost throughout the egg-making process.

Egg Laying: One to two weeks after mating, female cockatiels deposit eggs. Cockatiels, like many other bird species, lay one egg every other day until all of them are laid. Each clutch usually has four to six eggs. Cockatiels incubate their eggs for an average of 18-20 days. This can vary by a few days and is usually not cause for concern.

Cockatiel Cage Hatchling Care and Weaning

If the cockatiel newborns are to be hand-fed, many breeders allow the parents to raise the chicks until they are roughly 2 weeks old. The chicks are then “removed” from the nest and placed in a brooder to be hand-fed until weaned. Most baby cockatiels may be weaned between 7 and 8 weeks of age by feeding millet, little pieces of fruit and vegetables, and softened pellets.