Duck Keeping as Pets and the Cage needed.

Keeping Ducks as Pets and the Cage needed.

The word “duck” is used for many different kinds of waterfowl in the family Anatidae. Ducks tend to be smaller and have shorter necks than swans and geese, which are also in the same family. Ducks live mostly in water, so they can be found in both fresh and salt water. Some water birds, like loons or divers, grebes, gallinules, and coots, have similar shapes to ducks and are sometimes confused for each other.

Ducks are a type of waterfowl that live all over the United States. These birds have strong bodies and short necks most of the time. The brightly colored feathers that drakes (male ducks) use to attract females are often used to tell them apart. Females, or “hens,” often look duller than males, which helps them hide from possible predators. Ducks have feathers that don’t get wet and feet that are made to help them swim. The beak of a duck is usually wide and flat, but the color varies from species to species. A domesticated duck can live up to 10 years. Most of the time, the biggest ducks live the shortest lives. They rarely live longer than five to seven years.

Mallard Duck


Except for Antarctica, ducks live on every continent except Antarctica. Several species can live on sub-Antarctic islands like South Georgia and the Auckland Islands. Ducks have made it to some of the most remote islands in the ocean. Like the Hawaiian Islands, Micronesia, and the Galápagos Islands, but they don’t live there very often. A few of them can only be found on these faraway islands. Keeping a duck or ducks as pets can be very rewarding but you need to ensure you have a good duck cage or pen for them.

Some duck species, especially those that nest in the temperate and arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, migrate, but many tropical species do not. Some ducks travel long distances and look for lakes and pools that only last a short time. This is especially true in Australia, where the weather can change quickly.


Diverse duck species have a wide range of dietary preferences. Some animals are classified as herbivores because they primarily eat plants. For the most part, other species feed on smaller vertebrates such as insects and fish. It’s not uncommon for animals to be omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and animals.

Ducks feed in two ways: by dabbling and by plunging. In many cases, dabbling ducks do not dive below the water’s surface; instead, they tip over and use their long necks to scoop up food. When searching for food, diving ducks, on the other hand, completely submerge themselves.


Interesting facts

  • There are approximately 120 different species of ducks.
  • Ducks, the majority of which are aquatic birds capable of living in both freshwater and saltwater environments. Can be found on every continent except Antarctica.
  • Water bodies such as ponds, creeks, lakes, and lagoons, along with forested areas like swamps and mangrove wetlands, provide the natural habitat for many duck species.
  • The Muscovy and Mallard ducks are the ancestors of all domesticated ducks, which have been kept as pets and farm animals for more than 500 years.


  • A wild duck may live for at least 20 years, which is a fact. A Mallard Drake that survived to be 27 years old holds the world record. In captivity, domestic ducks typically live between 10 and 15 years.
  • Because their feet are webbed, ducks can paddle and swim more efficiently in water.
  • Due to the absence of nerves and blood vessels in their feet, ducks cannot detect cold. Due to this, ducks are able to walk on snow and ice and swim in icy water.
  • They have three eyelids. The top, bottom, and a third positioned on the side of the eye. Transparent and operating similarly like goggles.
  • Although they are capable of flying far higher, ducks normally fly between 60 and 1,200 meters (200 and 4,000 ft). A Mallard was once struck by a jet at an altitude of 6,400 meters (21,000 feet) above Nevada! Currently, this is the highest recorded flight of a duck!
  • Male ducks are referred to as Drakes, while female ducks are known as Hens.


  • Ducks often look for a partner or mate in the winter. Male ducks will be able to attract female ducks with their bright feathers or plumage. After that, the female ducks would lead the male ducks to their mating grounds in the spring.
  • Most of the time, the place where the female duckling was born will be where she has her babies. The female duck makes her nest from grass, reeds, or even a hole in a tree.
  • In order to protect the area, the male duck will drive other couples away. After laying 5 to 12 eggs, the female will sit on them to keep them warm until the ducklings hatch. The male ducks will be on the other side with the other male ducks.

Birth process in Ducks

It’s possible that ducks are the most well-known waterfowl in the world. There are many different kinds of ducks. They may be found in a wide variety of environments and locations, from the well groomed ponds at major theme parks to the desolate marshes far away from the next town. They enjoy phenomenal levels of success and have a distribution network that spans the whole world. A great number of duck species have a very high reproductive rate. In point of fact, some are so common that the mallard duck may be traced back as the progenitor of the vast majority of domestic duck species.


Sexual variation

You’re probably picturing a male mallard right now, which is sometimes referred to as a “drake” in certain circles. This exquisite duck stands out from the rest of the flock because to the iridescent green head feathers, dazzling yellow beak, and iridescent blue wing feathers that it possesses. Because of this, the mallard is a great example of sexual dimorphism in ducks, which refers to the phenomenon in which male and female ducks have drastically different appearances from one another.

Speculums are a supplemental type of wing feather seen on mallards. These feathers have an iridescent blue coloration. However, that is pretty much the sole distinguishing characteristic of the female mallard, which is also known as the hen. Hens have a mottled dark brown appearance all over their bodies, and their feathers are a dull brown colour. Their coloration, which doubles as camouflage, the birds are safe from potential threats. While they are tending to their eggs and incubating their young.


Finding a Duck mate

The fall season is the time of year when many ducks begin their search for mates, specifically around the month of October in North America. Multiple males may regularly participate in displays that are competitive with one another in the hopes of attracting a single female. Mallard ducks, for example, may suddenly shake their heads, elevate themselves vertically in the water, and look back over their shoulders in an effort to catch her attention. After the pair has established themselves, they will create a territory and chase away any other ducks that try to enter it.

After finding a suitable partner and staking their claim to a territory, the pair makes the decision to nest in an area that is close to water. As they fly at a low altitude over the water and the land surrounding it. They search for the place together in the hopes of finding a safe haven. Some species of ducks only choose a mate for the purpose of one breeding season, while others remain in a monogamous relationship for their whole lives or for a number of generations.

Egg-laying Period

The majority of duck species construct their nests out of vegetation. For example, mallard ducks will pull up all of the foliage they can reach from the edge of their nest rather than picking it up and transporting it to the nest themselves. Some species of ducks may also drag overhanging grasses and bushes over their bodies. They do this in an effort to disguise themselves from potential predators. When it comes time to lay their egg clutches, many ducks will collect various plant materials such as leaves, twigs, and shoots to line the rim of the nest. After they begin the process of incubating their eggs, the majority of species also pluck their own feathers to use as a lining for the nest and to help keep the eggs warm and insulated.

Different species of ducks have varying rates of egg production. For instance, mallard hens typically lay nine to thirteen eggs, which they subsequently incubate for a period of time ranging from twenty-three to thirty days. All species of ducks produce young that are precocial, which means that they are able to walk and follow their mother immediately after hatching, have open eyes, fluffy down, and can walk. Precocial ducklings also have open eyes. The ducklings emerge from the nest after 16 hours and take their first dip in the water.


Duck and Duckling care

Once all of the eggs have hatched. The hen and her young leave the nest and make their way to the nearby body of water. After leaving the nest with their young, hens and their ducklings never return to the same spot. The mother duck does not feed her ducklings, but rather teaches them how and where to find food for themselves. Around the age of eight weeks, the vast majority of duckling species ‘fledge,’ which means they develop their adult feathers and learn to fly.

One year of age is the typical age at which ducks of various kinds begin mating. However, research conducted on mallard ducks has revealed that older hens had a higher rate of reproductive success compared to yearlings. The mortality rate of ducklings raised by older mallards is significantly lower than that of first-year mothers.


Duck Hatching process

When you are ready to put the eggs in their spots. Take a pencil and make a mark on one side of each duck egg. This will provide you a point of reference in the event that you need to physically flip the eggs.

When you candling your duck eggs. You can check to make sure that none of them have any little cracks in them before placing them in the incubator. Those who engage in such behaviour should not be supported but should rather be eradicated. Candling is performed by placing one’s hand within the beam of a regular flashlight and shining it through the shell of the candle. The next step is to position the duck eggs in the incubator so that the wider end is facing upward. Make sure that your incubator is located in a quiet place that is shielded from direct sunlight. The temperature of the incubator must remain between 99.3 and 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit for the whole incubation period of 28 days.

Days 1-27

  • Turning the duck eggs every few hours for the first week of the incubation process is the most critical job you have to do.
  • It is recommended that you carry out this process more frequently when your hatching rate increases.
  • During the course of each day. Your eggs should be turned an uneven number of times so that they can switch positions between the two sides overnight. Eggs from a duck should be turned at least five to seven times every single day, either manually or with a machine.
  • Around the fifth day, you should start lighting candles for them.


  • Your candling should show some veining and some modest development if the eggs that you used to make the candling were fertilized and contained healthy duckling embryos.
  • By day 10, candling should demonstrate an increase in the size of the air sac.
  • In addition, beginning on day 10, the eggs should be chilled for half an hour and sprayed with water before being stored. Check the temperature of your duck eggs several times throughout the chilling process. This is to ensure that it does not go below 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The process of freezing your eggs will be finished off successfully if you spray them with a solution that is at room temperature. This action is an imitation of the daily, transient departure that the mother duck makes from her nest.
  • After day 23, you should stop moving the eggs so they don’t get damaged.
  • This process of spraying and chilling should be concluded by day 25, at the very latest.
  • The ducklings will migrate into a hatch posture on their own at this point. They should remain in that position for the remainder of the procedure. If things went well, you should have some pips by day 28.

Day 28: Hatch day

  • At this point, you should bring the humidity level in the incubator up to 80 percent and increase the amount of ventilation that is taking place.
  • If you see that the ducklings are about to hatch, you should refrain from opening the incubator since doing so might allow the humidity to escape, which would make the procedure more difficult for the ducklings.
  • Due to the fact that humidity issues are the primary source of hatching problems for ducklings, this step is absolutely necessary.
  • It is possible that the egg will not hatch for at least forty-eight hours, and it might take much longer. Be patient, as the ducklings will require regular periods of rest.
  • It is not appropriate for you to help ducklings who are unable to break free of their shells on their own. These ducklings often develop more slowly than their siblings. If they get help, they face the danger of being trampled by their family members. In addition, ducklings who are helped out of their shells may not have fully developed feathers that are watertight, increasing the likelihood that they may catch a cold.
  • As the process of hatching is getting closer to being finished. The temperature and humidity levels should be steadily decreased until they reach 97 degrees Fahrenheit and 70 percent, respectively.
  • After the majority of the ducklings have achieved adequate moisture levels, it is time to remove them. From the incubator and place them in a warm brooder where they will have access to both food and water.

Tips for a successful Duck hatching

  • Even though they may be gathered and stored for up to ten days. Duck eggs have a hatch ability rate that drops between 0.5 and 1.5 percent each day after the seventh day. The hatching rate of your eggs will decrease proportionately to the length of time they are stored.
  • Do not try to help the ducklings if they have not hatched after forty-eight hours unless you are very positive that they are in danger. It is important to keep in mind that the process of hatching ducklings involves multiple pauses and might take as much as two days to finish. If you assist a duckling in hatching, you may be responsible for providing additional care for that duck for the remainder of its life.
  • Determine whether or not your incubator can accommodate duck eggs. There are certain incubators that just are not designed to handle duck eggs. While ordinary incubators can contain chicken eggs, duck eggs are much larger and require more area.
  • Try not to let this discourage you. Those who are hatching ducklings for the first time typically have an equal probability of success and failure. It is impossible to hatch duck eggs with a success rate of even 90 percent, much alone 100 percent, even with the most expertise. At the end of the day, the chances of a duckling successfully hatching are going to be smaller. Much smaller than the chances of a chick.