A Rabbit Hutch for Keeping Rabbits

Keeping Rabbits in a Hutch

A rabbit hutch is used to keep rabbits in with the exception of Antarctica, where these creatures that may be found almost wherever on the earth. Little is known about these critters, which are kept as pets or even eaten. We’ve put up a list of ten fascinating rabbit facts to stimulate your curiosity in these fluffy, adorable critters. Rabbits are not rodents, which may look weird and even deceitful. Despite its resemblance to rats, squirrels, and hamsters, the rabbit is not a member of the Rodentia order. The rabbit belongs to the Lagomorpha order, which includes the hare and pika. Rabbits are fast herbivorous (plant-eating) lagomorphs. Other traits that separate it from rodents include fluffy ears, bushy tails, and a rapid reproductive rate.

Rabbit Hutch

Rabbit hutch, Habitats, Rabbit Runs and Hutches

Rabbits prefer short grassy patches that occur naturally, such as in semi-arid areas, or grow from heavily grazed pastures. Warrens and/or harbours, such as blackberries or fallen logs, are common nearby. Wild rabbits create their own homes by digging tunnels into the ground. Warrens are tube systems with nesting and sleeping rooms. They also feature a number of entrances for quick escape.

Despite their roots in Europe and Africa, rabbits are today found all over the world. Wild rabbits have been discovered on all continents except Asia and Antarctica, according to research. Rabbits were formerly absent from various countries, including Australia and New Zealand, but they were introduced in recent centuries.

Rabbit Diet

The majority of a rabbit’s daily meal should be hay, with some fresh veggies and a little amount of pellets thrown in for good measure. Hay accounts for the lion’s share of a rabbit’s daily dietary intake. The majority of a rabbit’s diet should consist of free access to high-quality grass hay, such as Timothy, orchard, or brome.

Rabbit Hutch Appearance

Rabbits are little furry creatures with large ears, short and fluffy tails, and sturdy, muscular hind legs. They each have two sets of incisors (front teeth), one on top and one on the bottom of their jaws. They also have two peg teeth situated behind the upper incisors.

Whelping procedure

Female rabbits can get pregnant at the age of 12 weeks and have children for up to four years. Rabbits may conceive at any time of year, unlike most other animals, so if you have unneutered bucks and does, you may want to keep them separate to avoid unwanted pregnancy or consider neutering your rabbits.

Signs of Pregnancy

There are several techniques to determine if your rabbit is pregnant:

Nest construction: a pregnant woman will immediately make a nest out of hay or straw.

Fur plucking: expecting mothers pluck their own fur to use as a blanket to keep their babies warm.

Aggressive behaviour: In self-defense, your rabbit may snarl or refuse to be touched or stroked.


Making preparations for newcomers

During her pregnancy, the mother rabbit will want lots of clean water and healthy food, such as dark leafy greens, alfalfa hay, and rabbit pellets. Rabbits will occasionally dig a burrow to give birth in; if you want to avoid this, make sure your rabbit has a good nest box and enough of space to be as comfortable as possible.

Using a Rabbit Hutch whilst in labour

A rabbit’s gestation period is normally between 31 and 33 days. Kindling occurs when a doe gives birth. Kindling usually takes around 15 minutes and is done in the early morning hours. The childbirth process is instinctive, and interference is rare. Try to leave the nest alone for the first few days after checking on the babies; disturbing a mother rabbit may cause her to get disturbed and stop feeding her young. If you have any concerns, please contact your veterinarian.

Rabbit clutches

Kits are newborn rabbits that can number up to 14 in a litter, with six being the average. They are born hairless, blind, and deaf, but after 10 days, they begin to develop attributes. Because of the exceptional quality of the mother’s milk, the doe will nurse her kits twice a day, at dawn and dusk, which takes around five minutes each time. Between the ages of four and six weeks, kits are normally entirely weaned. Keep female rabbits separate from males at this time, as female rabbits can get pregnant again hours after giving birth. This means that a single doe can have up to 13 litters every year, which is unhealthy for her; a safe average is eight to ten liters per year.

There is room for the doe?

It’s a good idea to set off a section of the doe’s enclosure for her to get away from the kits. Unlike cats and dogs, avoids being around its young at all costs. This is because they do not want to draw the attention of predators to the existence of kits in the nest. So provide a comfortable space for the doe that is distinct from the kits but always accessible to her and lets her to return to the kits whenever she wants. If a shoe box is the right size for the doe, it can be utilized to create this habitat.

Re homing the infants in a new Rabbit Hutch

After about eight weeks, the kits may leave their mother, at which time you can consider re-homing them. Check that potential owners have clean, spacious housing and that a responsible adult will be there to feed them and cover any medical requirements, including as immunizations and neutering, while they are seeking for new homes.

False rabbit beliefs

Rabbits may impersonate pregnant women. In such cases, the doe may exhibit typical rabbit pregnancy activities such as nest building. Taking your doe to the vet is the most accurate way to determine if she is pregnant.


Many unwanted rabbits end up in rescue facilities. As a result, it is vital to consider neutering your rabbits. You can keep a male/female pair together by neutering while preventing rabbit pregnancy.